Diamond Strike A Fire Starters, 48 Count
0 ₽
Fire Starter That Strikes Like A Match: Its the easy way to get a fire going for campfires. Simply strike the match-like head on the back of the box for quick and easy flames Long Burning: Each stick burns for 12 minutes so theres no need for lighter fluid, lighters or kindling. Simply strike the firestarter on the back of a box to light and place in between split wood or charcoal Fire Starter That Strikes Like A Match: Its the easy way to get a fire going for campfires. Simply strike the match-like head on the back of the box for quick and easy flames Long Burning: Each stick burns for 12 minutes so theres no need for lighter fluid, lighters or kindling. Simply strike the firestarter on the back of a box to light and place in between split wood or charcoal. Fire Starter That Strikes Like A Match: Its the easy way to get a fire going for campfires. Simply strike the match-like head on the back of the box for quick and easy flames. Long Burning: Each stick burns for 12 minutes so theres no need for lighter fluid, lighters or kindling. Simply strike the firestarter on the back of a box to light and place in between split wood or charcoal. Portable and Easy to Use: These firestarters can be used indoors or outdoors. Theyre highly portable, making them perfect for camping, hiking or cooking out. Use them for firepits, chimeneas, grills and more. Fire Starters for Any Occasion: We offer a variety of fire starters that can be used for indoor fires or outdoor fires. We have a firestarter just right for your occasion. Diamond Matches: Since 1881, Diamond matches and firestarters are known for being sturdy and easy to light. Ideal for candles, stoves, grills, fireplaces and campfires, they are the number one brand of matches.
Brand | Diamond |
Country of origin | UNITED STATES |
Package | box |
Package quantity | 48 |
pa_type | fire starter briquettes |
Type of wood | beech |
Weight | 1,450 |
Производитель | Diamond |
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