Generic / Ab wheel, With knee mat, Green
0 ₽
The Generic Ab Wheel with Knee Mat is a versatile and effective fitness tool designed to help strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. With its durable construction and convenient features, it offers a reliable way to enhance your core workout routine.This ab wheel is designed to provide stability and control during exercise. It features a sturdy wheel with textured grips that ensure a secure hold, allowing you to roll smoothly and effectively on various surfaces.The green color adds a vibrant and energetic touch to the ab wheel’s design, making it visually appealing and motivating for your workouts.Included with the ab wheel is a knee mat, providing extra comfort and support for your knees during exercises that require kneeling. The knee mat is made from high-quality foam material, offering cushioning and protection for your joints.Using the ab wheel helps engage your core muscles, including your abdominals, obliques, and lower back. It targets these muscles through the movement of rolling the wheel forward and backward, providing an effective and challenging workout.The Generic Ab Wheel with Knee Mat is compact and lightweight, making it easy to store and transport. It is suitable for home workouts, gym sessions, or even outdoor training.
Brand | Generic |
Country of origin | CHINA |
Number of wheels | 2 |
Set items | box |
Weight | 866 |
Wheel arrangement | jointed |
Производитель | Generic |
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